Show Management Services
     Welcome to APHA's new interactive show managment Web site.
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In an effort to assist you with verification of the required memberships, you now can search for the most current APHA members and exhibitors on the Show Management Services Web site.

The search feature allows you to look up a member or exhibitor by their APHA ID number or their name. You can even narrow your search by including the state, country or U.S. postal code. Included in your results will be basic membership information along with detailed exhibitor information.
The exhibitor information consists of their exhibitor type, card expiration, eligible age group and the novice categories in which they are eligible. This can be a great tool for you to verify membership when processing entries for your show, on site at your show or while compiling your show results.
©2021 American Paint Horse Association
P.O. Box 961023 • Fort Worth, Texas 76161-0023
(817) 834-APHA • Fax (817) 834-3152